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The Cultural Training Center in Yakusari, Berbice, Guyana needs your help. Construction in Progress.

The Cultural Training Center in Yakusari Berbice, Guyana needs your support.
A center was started earlier in April 2017 under the guidance of myself & with the support system from members in the USA and back home in Guyana.

The center is a grand 50 x 72 feet which will have 2 computer rooms, and a hall to accommodate approximately 600 persons. Each room will have 15 computers with a total of 30 computers. The training center will be used for seminars, workshops, & educational sessions on drug abuse, child abuse, women abuse, suicide help & much more as well as Pandit classes, music, singing, Hindi, dancing classes, skill training and computer classes. The performance hall will also serve for the villages’ shows & programs such as Diwali Show, Holi Show, Talent Shows, and Programs for Seniors etc.

With the help of some old & new members from America & abroad in Guyana, they have made it possible for the project to come a long way.
However, the project is not completed as yet & we are humbly asking for your financial & moral support to help us conclude this center for the benefit of the people.

No donation is too big or small to help our fellow human beings. Service to man is service to god.

Thank you in anticipation.

US Contact numbers:
Pandit Baya: 917-847-4501
Sham Gobin: 718-810-4699
Dayanand: 347-975-2856

Anita Bhoj: 646-267-9448

Debby: 917-570-8176


Guyana Contact Numbers:
Radesh: 592-666-8389
Feedy: 592-604-6799
Desi: 592-662-6312
Daat Soman: 592-613-8564

Mulai: 592-613-7133

Jetu Bhai: 592-669-7608

Babita: 592-615-9553